English I Honors students had their final day of test prep/unit...
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Poetry Review, Participles, and Socratic Seminar
English I students (fourth and fifth period) worked on the next step...
Sonnet 130, Prepositional Phrases, and the Tell-Tale Heart
English I students finished up their work on sonnets today and then...
Final Sonnet and a Halloween Story
English I students worked on their final sonnet, the famous "Sonnet...
Sonnet 18 and Irony
English I students today continued with the final stages of our...
Quiz, Test, and Phrases
English I students had their quarter 1 Article of the Week...
Sonnet Completion and Test Prep
English 8 students worked on a practice test for tomorrow's test on...
Parsing and SWBS
English I students began a few days' work on Shakespeare as we bring...
PSAT and Socratic Magic
English 8 students conducted their first real Socratic Seminar...