English 8 students began working on their Diary of Anne Frank...
Recent News
What we’ve been learning.
Starting Mockingbird and Anne Frank
English I students looked at the opening pages of To Kill a...
Socratic Test
English 8 had a test today on our Harriet Tubman text, and English I...
Underground Quilts and the Death of R&J
English 8 is close to finishing up a unit on Harriet Tubman and the...
Subtext and Discussion Presentations
English I students looked at subtext in 4.1 and 4.2. It will be our...
3.5 and Lit Circles
English I students had a vocabulary quiz before going through 3.5,...
Lit Circles and Active/Passive
English I students worked on 3.4 from Romeo and Juliet, reaching two...
Lit Circles and Project Work
English 8 students had their first round of lit circles today. We...
Project Work and Lit Circle Introductions
English 8 students began preparing for literature circles they're...