Today, all students took the SC-Ready writing test. The kids on our...
Recent News
What we’ve been learning.
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Presentations and Prep
Tomorrow, we'll be taking the SC Ready TDA writing test -- one of...
A Visitor, Some Prep, and a Scene
The day started with the yearly visit from Mr. Jim Bannister, a...
Project Work and Presentations
During advisory, we had our first quidditch match. English 8...
Allegory of the Lit Circles
English I Honors began the new unit on Lord of the Flies by reading...
Lit Circles and Performances
English I students performed their skits about the three stories at...
Lit Circles All Around
All classes are working on lit circles now: English 8 is working...
Lit Circles and Book Fair
English I students continued with their literature circles...
TDA Prep with Anne and the Famous Chapter 24
English I students finished up the confusing chapter 24...