C. S. (Class of 2022)

I hope you are very excited and proud of yourself for making it here. I’m…

May 27, 2022


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Mr. Scott

I hope you are very excited and proud of yourself for making it here. I’m sure you have heard all of the awful rumors and gossip about this class and I’m sure you think you know about all of the terrible, long, and difficult assignments and such you are given in this class, but you don’t even know the half of it. English 1 is more difficult than you could ever imagine. It forces you to think in a way that makes you want to curl up into a ball and cry, and believe me, you will. Even though I cried a few times, I soon realized that everything he taught us, every single assignment we’ve done, every single little paragraph I ever wrote in this class helped me to become a much better writer, reader, and overall student.