New Units, New Start

New Units, New Start

First period began a new unit on “Flowers for Algernon.” We’ll be looking at point of view, inferences, and some basic grammar for the unit. We began by reading the first progress report in the novella, which is replete with mistakes, and then making...

Nightjohn, Setting and Conflict

First and sixth periods began Nightjohn. We’ll be working on voice with the unit as well as some of the common reading skills: making inferences, drawing conclusions, and the like. Second and sixth periods went over the homework from yesterday and began working...

Word Choice and Presentations

First period continued with Nightjohn. We mainly did some reading, though we looked briefly at what the written word is capable of. Second and sixth periods used the idea of formal, informal, and slang language to determine what makes voice in Nightjohn. For instance,...