Voice and Perspective

English I students began the second analytic short story writing project today by thinking a bit about perspective and point of view (“Where you stand determines what you see.”), which we accomplished with an odd-looking exercise. Later, we went through...

Assessment and More

English 8 students moved on with Nightjohn, looking to the point after chapter 2 tomorrow when we’ll begin incorporating voice and diction. There was, of course, the new article of the week as well: English I Honors students did some assessing of their first...


All students are currently engaged in lit circles: English I Honors students are using them to work through To Kill a Mockingbird and English 8 students are using them to go through a brief text about Harriet Tubman. English I students also began examining sentence...

Transitions and ISL Closure

English 8 students finished up a couple of days working with voice, tone, diction, audience, and author’s purpose — they’re all related, and IXL does a good job of combining them, so we spent some time in class practicing that. English I Honors...

Example and Voice

English 8 students started the last bit of work on Douglass’s autobiography, working to “determine the voice of a piece in order to make some inferences about the intended audience.” English I Honors began putting together the pieces of the puzzle:...