A Perfect Record

Sometimes it’s hard to bat close to a thousand. I’ve updated this site daily for so long that it’s a habit which follows me home. I arrive home and think, “Oh my, I forgot to update.” And while the temptation to skip a day is strong, a...

Second Drafts, Proofreading, and Gerunds

First period went over proofreading for the literacy memoir. We also completed the rubric (at least the extremities). 4 1 Voice Writer uses the formal voice. There is no slang and very few informal words. Repeated use of slang (five or more examples) Clarity of Topic...

Prewriting, Revising, and Participles

First period worked on revising. The class is starting to fragment according to where they are in the creative process. By the end of the week, it will be entirely individual work: that’s the irony of a writing class, I suppose. Second and sixth periods worked...