Poe and Voice

Poe and Voice

English 8 students continued finished up chapter one of Nightjohn by looking at voice. We’ll be pulling everything together tomorrow. English I Honors students began looking at Poe’s “A Cask of Amontillado” as the primary document for their...

Fragments, Run-Ons, Movies, and Phrases

English I Honors sixth period students completed their jigsaw work on phrases, with all students how having a working knowledge of gerunds, participles, infinities, appositives, and prepositional phrases. We’ll be doing more practice in class to prepare for a...
1.1 and Type 3 Sentences

1.1 and Type 3 Sentences

English 8 Strategies students did work on writing craft today, returning to sentence variety and adding a new type of sentence to our repertoire. As we begin working toward our major second-quarter project, we’ll be including these new sentences in our work....
Gerunds and Research

Gerunds and Research

First and fourth periods began with a bit of practice with the two types of phrases we’ve been working with: prepositional and participial phrases. Afterward, we learned about a new type of phrase, gerunds. After learning about what a “gerund” is, we...