Tone and Drama

Today in first and fourth periods we evaluated “My Papa’s Waltz” and started on “Forgetfulness”. We also talked about and learned to identify tone and mood in a poem. Second and fourth periods began reading the dramatization of Anne...
Final Argument and voice

Final Argument and voice

Today in first and fourth periods we worked on identifying clues that tell us that “To Kill a Mockingbird” is written in a Southern voice. We looked at style attributes and content issues that indicate a Southern style. Style Issues Topical Issues Long...
Tone and Gifts

Tone and Gifts

First period began act one, scene five of The Diary of Anne Frank. As fifth period did Friday, we examined the gifts Anne gives the various inhabitants of the Secret Annex. Second and fourth periods continued looking at the question of tone in a poem. We looked at two...

E1: General Notes

Semester Exam Study Guide The semester exam study guide is available now. Improving Your Tone Quiz Score English I students who are unhappy with the results of their tone word quizzes will have the option to increase their grades by completing the following work:...