Lit Circles All Around

All classes were engaged today in lit circles in one form or another. The only exception was English Studies, which went over briefly how to determine tone in a poem: Look for repetitions. Determine the positive or negative nature of the repetitions. Look for more...


Today in class we read “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”.We went over the tone of the poem and discussed what the poem was about.We learned that this poem was a Tonal Shift poem which is a poem that shifts its tone at a certain time in a poem.And...
Socratic Seminars and Lyric Moments

Socratic Seminars and Lyric Moments

English 8 Strategies students had a discussion in the form of a Socratic seminar about topics related to our final project for the quarter, analytic paragraphs about the selections they are reading in literature class. For Flowers for Algernon, discussion questions...
Verb Phrases and Tone

Verb Phrases and Tone

English I Honors began a couple of days working with tone in writing, specifically in poetry. We began by saying the same sentence in various tones of voice in order to see what “tone” means in terms of voice. We returned to “Do Not Go Gentle into...
Tone Continued and Comparing Media

Tone Continued and Comparing Media

Today in first and fourth periods we looked at tone again and evaluated some more of Billy Collins’ poems. We mostly looked at “The Lanyard” because of the tone change. The Lanyard The other day I was ricocheting slowly off the blue walls of this...