Sonnets and Tone

Sonnets and Tone

English 8 students looked at the question of tone (the author’s/narrator’s opinion of the subject at hand) in “The Tell-Tale Heart.” English I Honors students finished up their second sonnet, number twenty-nine. Afterward, we began the final...
Theme and Tone

Theme and Tone

English I Honors students finished up “The Lanyard” and our examination of tone in that poem. We discovered that the humor comes from the tone. English 8 students looked at theme in Nightjohn.

Lanyard and NJ Completion

English I Honors students worked on Billy Collins’s poem “The Lanyard” as we finish up looking at tone, tonal shift, and the lyric moment. English 8 students worked on completing Nightjohn and applying effective readers’ skills on their own....

Tone and Chapter 4

English I Honors continued with tone, looking at “My Papa’s Waltz” after finishing “Do Not Go Gently.” English 8 students continued with Nightjohn — sprinting to the finish. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: ...

Chapter Four and Tone

English 8 students began working on chapter four from Nightjohn. We’re having a final practice of effective readers’ skills before next week’s test. English I Honors students began looking at the question of tone in a poem. We’ll move to tonal...