Phrases and Tone

English 8 was a little on the empty side today: almost half the students were out for a field trip, so we did some more practice on IXL with those who remained. English I Honors students continued with subordinate clauses, taking a day-long break from Mockingbird to...

Blocking and Tone

English 8 students almost finished up tone with “The Tell-Tale Heart,”  identifying passages that serve as evidence for our established tone of frantic paranoia. We’ll finish up tomorrow. English I Honors students looked carefully at their blocking...

Blocking and Tone

English 8 students worked on tone with “The Tell-Tale Heart.” Today we determined the tone; tomorrow, we’ll be looking at the story for textual evidence to back up our assertions about the tone. English I Honors students began looking at all the...
Tone and Inference

Tone and Inference

English 8 students worked on their Friday work: inference and IXL. English I Honors students worked on determining the tone of a poem — the first time they’ve worked to determine it alone! Exciting days. They then shared with students and compared answers,...