Tone and Chapter 3 Skills

Tone and Chapter 3 Skills

English I Students in third and fourth periods worked on tone in poetry, looking at a lovely poem by Billy Collins called “The Lanyard.” We didn’t quite get to the tonal question as we were working on establishing a basic understanding of how the...
Tone and Review

Tone and Review

English I students continued with tone, looking at Billy Collins’s poem “Forgetfulness.” We determined the tone after a bit of work and learning a new word: flippant. English 8 students had a quick review of Schaffer organizational techniques as we...
Tone and Accuracy

Tone and Accuracy

English I went over tone in “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” to create a procedure for determining tone in a piece of writing (in this case, a poem). We also used the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” and the incorrect interpretation we...