Rehearsal and Tone

Fourth period continued working on mood and tone. We watched a few trailers for films in which the genre had been switched through skillful editing. Dumb and Dumber was turned into a horror film, Lurk and Lurker; The Shining was transformed from horror film into a...
Preparations and Presentations

Preparations and Presentations

First, second, and seventh periods spend the day preparing for the in-class performance/reading of Diary of Anne Frank. Each group had a chance to practice as a group and discuss the text. I also shared with students the grading criteria: Preparedness: I am familiar...
Initial and Final Thoughts

Initial and Final Thoughts

First, second, and seventh periods finished the anticipatory lesson for a unit on The Diary of Anne Frank. As such, we had an today, drawing on students’ prior knowledge of the Holocaust and making it personal through a series of reflective writing exercises. To...

Holocaust and Written Style

Fourth period worked on three elements of an author’s (and individual selection’s) style: diction tone, and mood. We looked at an example selection to see how the author manipulated words and phrases to create a specific mood and tone. First, second, and...

Final Draft and Intro to Style

First and seventh periods had a final day of work on the memoir final draft. It is due tomorrow, along with several other documents: First draft Peer editing form Second draft Final draft Rubric Fourth period worked on the nonfiction form and will continue tomorrow....