Lanyard and NJ Completion

English I Honors students worked on Billy Collins’s poem “The Lanyard” as we finish up looking at tone, tonal shift, and the lyric moment. English 8 students worked on completing Nightjohn and applying effective readers’ skills on their own....
Tonal Shift and Chapter Five

Tonal Shift and Chapter Five

English 8 students continued working with Nightjohn, working through chapter five, the final long chapter. English I Honors students began looking at Billy Collins’s “The Lanyard,” going over the homework and discovering a few new things. Afterward,...


Today in class we read “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”.We went over the tone of the poem and discussed what the poem was about.We learned that this poem was a Tonal Shift poem which is a poem that shifts its tone at a certain time in a poem.And...