Discussion Preparation

Discussion Preparation

Students today began working on presentations for tomorrow about one of three questions. Calpurnia and the First Purchase African M.E. Church What is Calpurnia’s purpose in the novel? In order to answer that question, you need to think about the attitudes the...
2 Discussions from the Book

2 Discussions from the Book

Students today looked at two discussion questions that they worked on as a group before responding to other groups’ ideas. We’ll be expanding this to a group presentation and whole-class discussion over the course of this week. HomeworkEnglish I...
Scout’s Reliability

Scout’s Reliability

Today we did a little new work with the article of the week: students shared with each other in their groups about the context clues they found for the word “fraught” in the article. Afterward, students continued with Friday’s discussion question...
Starting Mockingbird

Starting Mockingbird

Today, we began looking at To Kill a Mockingbird in earnest. We looked at the opening pages to determine how the author developed a Southern voice. Remember first that voice comes from Diction (word choice) Syntax (how sentences are formed) Topical concerns (what...


Mr. Jim Bannister, a local attorney who has much experience in criminal law, visited our class today to help students evaluate the job that Atticus Finch did in representing Tom Robinson. English 8 students continued with The Diary of Anne Frank. HomeworkEnglish 8...