Anne Frank and Research

First period began a small project on the effect of point of view. Working in pairs, students took an episode from The Diary of Anne Frankthat affects all characters and looked at it from a different point of view. We did this in two ways: first, students wrote diary...

Acting and Researching

Second period continued working on the To Kill a Mockingbird newsletter. After students completed that work, we began researching the Scottsboro Boys trial, supposedly the inspiration for Harper Lee as she wrote Mockingbird. First, fourth, and sixth periods continued...

Anne Frank and a Newspaper

Second period began one of two culminating To Kill a Mockingbird projects. We began creating a newspaper for Maycomb County that deals with the significant events in the book. Students are working on advertisements, obituaries, editorials, news articles — you...
Genocide Background and Presentations

Genocide Background and Presentations

First period began the project we’ll be working on while reading Anne Frank. Students will create a 10-12 entry diary modeled on Anne Frank’s diary. Today, they chose one of the following locations/historical events as their setting: Rwanda (Jean Kambanda,...
Tom’s Character and the Holocaust

Tom’s Character and the Holocaust

First, fourth, and sixth periods are starting a unit on The Diary of Anne Frank. As such, we had an anticipatory lesson today, drawing on students’ prior knowledge of the Holocaust and making it personal through a series of reflective writing exercises. To do...