Test Prep, Till, and Society

Fourth period English I Honors students began the second writing assignment for Lord of the Flies. Students will be using five principles of sociology to examine the following passage: Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them. Yet there was a space...

Peer Editing, Southern Voice, and Maslow

Fourth period English I Honors students completed work on the first informational text for the Lord of the Flies writing project. It was a text on Maslow’s hierarchy, which we will begin applying to the novel tomorrow. Sixth period English I Honors students...

Maslow, Voice, and Peer Evaluation

English 8 Strategies began the final stages of preparation for the ACT-Aspire test. We learned how to use a form that will help us with peer evaluation. English I Honors students continued with Lord of the Flies (fourth period) and Mockingbird (sixth period)....