Full Return

Full Return

With English I Honors students having their End of Course Exam behind them now (what a relief for them, I know), we returned to business as usual. Fourth period students finished a round-up of all the work they completed while I was out. We had two writing assignments...
Back to Normal

Back to Normal

First and fifth periods (English 8 Strategies) began looking at “Tears of Autumn” as part of a slow move into the STEAM unit we’ll be concluding the year with on the eighth-grade hall. Fourth period English I Honors students had a final bit of...

Seminars and Commas

Fourth period English I Honors students continued with the third writing assignment for the Lord of the Flies unit with part two of a Socratic Seminar. Yesterday’s discussion is available here. Today’s discussion is available here. Sixth period English I...

Novel Work and Commas

English 8 Strategies students completed their short collaborative learning exercise on commas. We’ll have some practice tomorrow. English I Honors students continued working on their respective books. HomeworkEnglish I Honors:  fourth period students:...

Back to Business and a Comma Review

English 8 Strategies classes began a short review of commas, sure to be a major element on next week’s ACT-Aspire test. We’ll continue tomorrow: it’s taking some time because we’re using collaborative learning methods to do the work. English I...