Final Push

English I Honors classes are finishing up Mockingbird and as such, discussed the titular mockingbird today. English 8 students began the final STEAM project, combining a bit of most every core class into a final project that we’ll be completing later this week...
Final Pre-Test Day

Final Pre-Test Day

English 8 students had a final day of practice for the SC Ready test. We’ve now done all the practice tests, and everyone is ready for a great couple of days of testing. English I Honors students continued yesterday’s work by working more deeply into the...

Practicing with the Mrunas

English I Honors students began examining the most multi-layered chapter in To Kill a Mockingbird. Students worked in their lit circles to answer given discussion questions: Entry-Level Questions Who are the Mrunas? How does Mrs. Merriweather describe them? Mark this...

More Practice and Ranking

English I Honors students completed the ranking work for the minor characters according to morality. The two periods came up with significantly different lists: Sixth Period Miss Maudie Reverend Sykes Judge Taylor Heck Tate ||Aunt Alexandra Mr. Dolphus Raymond Mayella...

SC Ready Practice and More

All classes went over the last practice of the SC Ready test, which students will be taking next week. English 8 students devoted the day to it while English I Honors students only spent the first ten to fifteen minutes on it. All students will continue the prep work...