Pre-Trial and Lit Circles

English I Honors continued with the lit circles for To Kill a Mockingbird, looking at two issues (whether or not Atticus made a good decision in representing Robinson considering the potential risk to his family and what the role of Calpurnia is in the novel) in...

Field Trip

We all had a field trip to Roper Mountain today, so most students didn’t have class. That doesn’t mean they don’t have homework, though. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: read chapters 13-16 of...

Back to Normal

English I Honors students returned to Mockingbird to look at some tough word choices that appear because of its nature as a Southern novel. English 8 students returned for the final text portion of the Frederick Douglass autobiography we’ve been reading....

MAP Prep and First Circles

English 8 students began a three-day whirlwind MAP preparation by filling in a topic we really hadn’t worked on to this point this year, determining the main idea of a nonfiction text. English I students, after turning in their narratives, had their first lit...