Newsletters, Drama, and Debate

First period today began creating their Giver newsletters. We’ll be finishing it by the end of the week. Second period went to the Peace Center to see a dramatization of To Kill a Mockingbird. Ann Hicks, at the Greenville Times, was not thrilled with the...
More Writing and Planning

More Writing and Planning

First period began creating their Giver newsletters. We typed all the articles and saved them in a centralized location, thus creating a central pool of material for students to draw from in designing and creating their newsletters. Second period continued working on...

Writing and Planning

First, fourth, and sixth periods were all doing in-class writing. Everyone is working to create class newsletters: first period on The Giver, fourth and sixth periods on Flowers for Algernon. First period will be going to the library tomorrow; fourth and sixth periods...
Articles, Concluding Antigone, and More Articles

Articles, Concluding Antigone, and More Articles

First period continued working the newpaper for The Giver. We examined this newspaper article about whoopie pies to see how reporters work quotes into their articles. We’ll be finishing up Friday in the library. Second period worked on dividing characters from...
Complex Sentences

Complex Sentences

First period continued working on the newspaper articles for The Giver. I tried to impress upon students the concept of spin: since everything in Jonas’s community is completely controlled, the powers that be would not willingly admit that something  had spun...