Text Structures and Viewing

Text Structures and Viewing

English I Honors students today finished up act 2, watching scenes 4-6 without any text in front of them. It was part practice, part encouragement: students seemed to understand more than they thought they would. English 8 students went over the questions for the...
Mab’s Structure

Mab’s Structure

English 8 students worked on text structures, learning about the next two structures, cause/effect and problem/solution. English I Honors students looked at the long Queen Mab passage after spending a bit more time on the Nurse’s monologue in 1.3....
First Day Back 2020

First Day Back 2020

English I Honors students began Romeo and Juliet — the greatest challenge of the school year, in many ways. We looked closely at the prologue: We’ll be continuing tomorrow. English 8 students had an anticipatory lesson regarding the new unit on text...