English 8 students finished up their summaries. We had to figure out a new way to turn them in since the Greenville County Schools tech department blocked the Moodle site (as well as this site — if you’re reading this from a student account at school,...
English I Honors continued with the first scene of Romeo and Juliet. English Strategies began working on the summary for act 1 scene 2 of Anne Frank. English Studies finished the summaries. HomeworkEnglish 8: finish the summary and turn it in at the Moodle site....
English Studies students (fifth period) looked at an actual diary entry from Anne’s diary that corresponds with what we’ve been reading in class. While they compared that with our play text, I had time to consult one-on-one with students regarding their...
English 8 Strategies began the play proper, reading through the opening of scene one. We’ll continue the scene Monday. English 8 Studies finished up scene one with the comprehension questions and scene summary. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies:...
English I Honors dug into Billy Collins’s “Introduction to Poetry.” We used some of the basic skills of poetic interpretation and came up with some really messily annotated papers. English Strategies (fourth period) students continued with Nightjohn...
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