Final Day and 3.1

Final Day and 3.1

English I Honors had a whoosh through 3.1 of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare is starting to turn the screws increasingly tighter, making things more and more challenging for our young lovers. We’ll be starting our culminating writing project on Monday, so students...

MAP 2017 Day 1

All students took the winter MAP reading test today. That means all other classes met only for half a hour. English I Honors students finished up yesterday’s work by looking at the Royal Shakespeare Company’s version of the balcony scene: English 8...

Practice Test and Outlining

English I students finished up the first act of Romeo and Juliet. We had a practice test today to see what the actual test tomorrow will look like. English 8 students began combining skills, using outlining to summarize their current social studies chapter. (The...