Annotation and Extra Credit

Annotation and Extra Credit

English I students finished up yesterday’s work by looking at how to interpret and answer extended essay prompts. Actually writing this composition will be the extra credit assignment for the third quarter. Students are receiving this now in order to have a...
Socratic Review

Socratic Review

English I students worked on a revised Socratic Seminar, repeating Friday’s discussion with some additional preparation completed over the weekend. English 8 students finished up the first portion of the Frederick Douglass text by going over annotations and...

Grammar Day

First, second, and seventh periods went over linking verbs in a desperate attempt to get subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement finished before the PASS writing test next week. We should finish up working on verbs tomorrow. Fourth period went over clauses, both...
Complex Sentences

Complex Sentences

First period continued working on the newspaper articles for The Giver. I tried to impress upon students the concept of spin: since everything in Jonas’s community is completely controlled, the powers that be would not willingly admit that something  had spun...