Spring 2009 MAP Testing

All students in all classes took the spring 2009 MAP test today. It’s a good way to measure progress from the beginning of the year, but it does take one day of class time. Then again, nothing’s free. After completing the test, students worked on their...


Due to ITBS testing, we only had fourth and sixth periods today. We continued the “frequently confused words” work in conjunction with Flowers for Algernon.

Giver Review, ITBS, Apostrophes

First period had an unplanned Giver review discussion. I hadn’t realized that there were some fundamental issues about the book that some weren’t comprehending, and the questions at the beginning of class illustrated that we needed to process as a group a...
Rites of Passage and the End of Innocence

Rites of Passage and the End of Innocence

First period looked at the various rites of passage in The Giver and worked together to come up with an answer to the day’s essential question, “What is a rite of passage.” Second period finished up Lord of the Flies. We began working on two trials...

Works Cited

First period completed a second round of MAP testing. We were unable to do anything else today. Second period began the Odyssey. We looked at elements of the epic form and discussed the background to the Odyssey. Fourth and sixth periods worked on creating...