Test Overview and 1.4

Test Overview and 1.4

First, second, and sixth periods all went over briefly the material covered on Monday’s test. I’d mentioned it all before, but I wanted to make sure everyone had a definitive list of topics and poems to be covered. Second and sixth finished up the short...

Writing stories and poetry

Today in first period we started off by going over what our English exam is going to be like Monday. We looked over all of the poems and discussed some of the questions that will be on the test. We then got to writing. We wrote in our composition books for about 20...
Test, Voice, and Political Ads

Test, Voice, and Political Ads

First period worked on voice in the first chapters of Nightjohn. We used several quotes to begin looking at how word choice helps create a writer’s voice. Second and sixth periods had their parts of speech test. Fourth period finished up the bias unit with a...

Fall 2010 MAP Testing

All classes took the fall Measures of Academic Progress test. This is a test designed to provide teachers with a benchmark for individual students and for classes as a whole to help guide instruction and assess progress. Homework None (except for those in fourth...