MAP Testing and Introductions

Students in my eighth-grade classes all had MAP testing today. We’ll continue with Nightjohn tomorrow. Today was also the first day with my new class, a group of bright seventh grade students during seventh period. We went over some expectations, and we will...

Library Orientation

All classes had the media center orientation today, with a little bit of checkout time for students afterward. Homework First and sixth: none. Second and fourth periods: begin reading for test-grade make-up...

A Test and Some Conferencing Practice

Second and fourth periods had their parts of speech review test. The glazed eyes and moans suggested students felt they’d done poorly on the test, but my initial evaluations indicate they may be exaggerating a bit. First and sixth periods had a bit more work...

Test and Characters

First period had a test on The Giver that turned out disastrously: we took it online at our Moodle site, and due to internet connectivity issues, several students lost half their test as they moved from one portion to another. Because there were so many problems with...


Second and sixth periods looked at theme in “Thank You, M’am.” We’ll be having a review tomorrow and the test on the short stories unit Thursday. Homework Second and sixth periods: study for test. Fourth period: read through chapter...