SC Ready and More

English 8 students began working on the SC Ready test prep as we’ll be having the test next week. We went over basic test taking strategies before having a practice test, which we’ll finish tomorrow. English I Honors students began working to rank...

MAP Spring 2016 Day 2

Eighth graders finished up the MAP test today. We’ll be returning to normal programming tomorrow. English Studies and Strategies students worked on logic puzzles instead of forging ahead with new material (notes below). English I Honors students completed (or...

A Test, a Quiz, and More

English 8 Strategies students had a test on the MAP preparation work they completed over the last few days. We’ll be starting a new unit as soon as MAP testing is over this week. English 8 Studies students had a quiz over the first reading selection for the lit...
New Starts All Around

New Starts All Around

All classes started new units today. English I Honors will be working on the Odyssey while English Studies students work on The Glory Field. English Strategies students will be joining the Studies students after a brief (1.5 week) refresher for the MAP test coming up...