Planning and Meter

Planning and Meter

First, second, and sixth periods spent time planning their persuasion projects. Fourth period went over meter: “iambic pentameter” finally makes sense to them now, as does “dactylic tetrameter” and any number of combinations. We also decided...

Persuasive Blues and Sonnets

First, second, and sixth periods took a Friday off from heavy lifting (to varying degrees: one period had some problems getting themselves together): we looked at a blues song that actually employs a couple of persuasive techniques. We then helped the bluesman out by...
Bias, Persuasion, and the Sonnet

Bias, Persuasion, and the Sonnet

First period reviewed the notes from reading yesterday. Yesterday’s lesson was a two-fold lesson: first, they got information about bias; second, they worked on note-taking skills. Yet the second objective can foil the first, so we made sure everyone knew what...

Tone and the Sonnet

Students in first and seventh periods used a graphic organizer to learn what tone is and how characters in the Diary of Anne Frank exhibit it. Fourth period completed the sonnet and lyric poem forms today. Homework First and seventh periods: none. Fourth: revise...

Wrapping Up Act I

First, second, and seventh periods wrapped up the first act of Anne Frank. We’ll be doing the second act in a much shorter time, finishing by the middle of next week. Fourth period continued its poetry unit, with students teaching today about imagery and the...