Poetry for All

Everyone was working on poetry today: sound devices for most classes and sonnets for second and fourth periods. Homework First, sixth, and seventh periods: none. Second and fourth period: read “The Illiterate” (in anthology) and compare it to the English...

Timed Writing and Presentations

Second and sixth periods had an abrupt change of plans: I decided last-minute to go over timed writing skills to complement last night’s homework. It was about poetry, so it kept us on target, but I felt we should take the time to deal with the important...

More Context Clues

Second and sixth periods, we worked on context clues. We went over four ways we can determine a word’s meaning through the context clues. We began using a vocabulary chart to track unknown words in poems and how we’re using context clues to figure out the...

Final Preparation

First period finished up the rubric for their project, and we worked on the project just a bit. We had a little relaxation at the end of the period. Second and sixth periods spent a final day of preparing for Monday’s project turn in. The rubric for second and...