Finishing Hamlet and Working on Sonnets

In English I, we got back with our partners to discuss which of the five versions of the soliloquy was the best and which was the worst. Then every group got up and had 30 seconds to argue why they chose the ones they did. At the end of class we got out our sonnets...

Writing Sonnets

In English I we continued working on the sonnets we started yesterday. We struggled a bit with the whole meter issue, but the rubric helped ease our minds a bit. (Additional detail provided by Mr. Scott.) HomeworkEnglish I Honors: Work on your...

Working on Sonnets

Today English I started writing a sonnet as a class to learn the correct steps. Then, we partnered up and started writing our own sonnets. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: Work on your sonnet.
Drawing Mistress and Rules for Sonnet

Drawing Mistress and Rules for Sonnet

Today in class we started off the day by getting with a partner and comparing last nights homework.We also started another sonnet; Sonnet 130.We got to do a fun activity which was to draw how we thought mistress looked like based on the sonnet.We also took notes on...

A New Sonnet

Today in English I class we finished up paraphrasing Sonnet 29. We also began working on Sonnet 18 and figured out what it meant and started paraphrasing it with a partner. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: You will need to finish up figuring out what Sonnet 18 was about...