Socratic Beginnings and Teamwork

English 8 students worked on their first Socratic Seminar today. We’ll be trying it later in the quarter for real, but today was simply a chance for everyone to get used to the protocol. English I Honors students worked on their first analytic paragraphs. These...

Socratic Seminar and More

English I Honors students finished up the Odyssey unit with a Socratic Seminar about whether or not Odysseus is a hero. The discussions will be available in a password protected post shortly: the password will be the last word in the title of the next book we read....

Socratic Conclusion

English 8 students finished up yesterday’s text marking and went over the Class Dojo information for the week. I’ll be sending individualized weekly reports home with students in fourth and fifth periods, and the reports will also include information for...
Love and Summaries

Love and Summaries

English Strategies and English Studies both worked on their summaries for scene three. English I Honors students looked at the question of whether or not Romeo and Juliet are really in love, using a Socratic Seminar to do this. Here is sixth period’s seminar:...