Narrative and Socratic Seminar

English I Honors students continued working on their narrative assignment.  We’ll be having a quiz on the flipped-classroom material tomorrow. English 8 students finished up their Socratic Seminar connected to the Frederick Douglass text we’ve been reading...

Act Four and a Socratic Seminar

In English I, students watched parts of the Romeo and Juliet movie. Students also worked discussed, worked on, and reviewed Act Four. In English 8, students arranged the desk according to the work done in the past on the desk and then had a Socratic Seminar. We...
4.3 and Socratic Seminar

4.3 and Socratic Seminar

In English I, students started work on their Act Four Scene Three Comics. In English 8, students discussed desk layout for Socratic Seminars and the rules of Socratic Seminars. HomeworkEnglish 8:  work on Article of the week. English I Honors:  finish...

Subtext and Analysis of Subtext

In English I honors, students went over Subtext with Romeo and Juliet Act Four scene one, two, and three. In English 8 students worked in groups and presented on the Seven Habits of a Effective Teen. HomeworkEnglish 8: work on Article of the Week.   English...