English I students had a Socratic Seminar on the question of whether or not Odysseus is a hero. We began with a quick-write so students could have some initial ideas. I wrote from both perspectives: Odysseus Is Not A Hero In the modern world, a hero is almost always...
English I students (fourth and fifth period) worked on the next step in our phrase phase by covering the basic idea of the participle. It was a 10-minute introduction to the form (the -ing or -en form of the verb), and that was that. Tomorrow we’ll work on the...
English 8 students conducted their first real Socratic Seminar today, discussing a couple of events from Nightjohn, the novel we’re about to finish. Students were engaged, focused, and professional as they discussed the book. It was a sight that brought a smile...
English 8 students had their first practice Socratic Seminar today. We’ll be having a real one tomorrow on a more academic topic: today we went over the rules and discussed — heavy topic here — favorite snacks. English I students worked on a highly...
Today we had a Socratic Seminar on a simple but not-so-simple question: who is most culpable for the deaths that happen in Romeo and Juliet? Each table had a chance to make an argument, and then everyone engaged in a heated yet civilized discussion of who is to blame....
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