First and fourth periods began the new year preparing for a Socratic Seminar tomorrow on the question of who is ultimately responsible for Juliet’s faked death. We’ll be finishing this up tomorrow (theoretically) before moving on to act five, finishing up...
First and fourth periods continued their Socratic Seminars on the n-word, with the coaches and speakers switching roles. Second and seventh periods had Socratic Seminars looking at the question of tradition. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: Leave a post on your...
Today first and fourth periods had a Socratic Seminar on “the n-word.” This word, so offensive and yet so prevalent in culture, appears multiple times in To Kill a Mockingbird and we were practicing our formal discussion skills (the Speech/Listening...
All classes worked on Socratic Seminars today. For second and seventh periods, it was their first time. We went over the rules and then had a seminar on an easy topic to help students get accustomed to this way of working. This slideshow requires JavaScript. Today in...
Today first and fourth periods did a Socratic Seminar on “The Cask of Amontillado” discussing if the story had to be in first person and if the narrator can be trusted. Notes from the discussion follow: First Period Big Board Notes First person P.O.V....
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