In English I, we got back with our partners to discuss which of the five versions of the soliloquy was the best and which was the worst. Then every group got up and had 30 seconds to argue why they chose the ones they did. At the end of class we got out our sonnets...
Today in class we started off the day by getting with a partner and comparing last nights homework.We also started another sonnet; Sonnet 130.We got to do a fun activity which was to draw how we thought mistress looked like based on the sonnet.We also took notes on...
Today in class we made an insanely long sentence by adding words after words to create it.We also made our first encounter with Shakespeare, we read Sonnet 29 and divided up the sonnet by creating two lists to understand how each part modifies a certain thing. Here...
English I Honors classes are working towards the Shakespeare unit, which we will begin next week, and we are accomplishing this through Shakespeare’s sonnets as a way to bring the poetry unit to the Romeo and Juliet unit. Today we finished up the complicated...
First and fourth periods looked at how and why Shakespeare used questionable humor in his plays. We looked at the first 30 lines to determine how Shakespeare uses puns to create an opening that appealed to the groundlings in the Globe Theater. Second and seventh...
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