Participles and Parsing

Participles and Parsing

English 8 had review of participles before tomorrow’s test, which will include information about participles. English I Honors worked on parsing long Shakespearian sentences. We worked on sonnet 29: We began by looking at a long sentence that has syntactical...

Discussion and 1.1

English I Honors went over 1.1 of Romeo and Juliet, working in Quizlet to see how well they’re understanding the text and then acting out a few select sections. English 8 students began preparing for a discussion of “The Lottery” by going over some...
Sonnets and Tone

Sonnets and Tone

English 8 students looked at the question of tone (the author’s/narrator’s opinion of the subject at hand) in “The Tell-Tale Heart.” English I Honors students finished up their second sonnet, number twenty-nine. Afterward, we began the final...
Back Again

Back Again

I’ve not been updating this web site all week because of a simple fact: I’ve been moving it to a new host, with three-times the resources. Things should be clicking along very well on the site now. Today, English I Honors looked closely at the first eight...