English 8 had review of participles before tomorrow’s test, which will include information about participles. English I Honors worked on parsing long Shakespearian sentences. We worked on sonnet 29: We began by looking at a long sentence that has syntactical...
English I Honors went over 1.1 of Romeo and Juliet, working in Quizlet to see how well they’re understanding the text and then acting out a few select sections. English 8 students began preparing for a discussion of “The Lottery” by going over some...
English 8 students looked at the question of tone (the author’s/narrator’s opinion of the subject at hand) in “The Tell-Tale Heart.” English I Honors students finished up their second sonnet, number twenty-nine. Afterward, we began the final...
I’ve not been updating this web site all week because of a simple fact: I’ve been moving it to a new host, with three-times the resources. Things should be clicking along very well on the site now. Today, English I Honors looked closely at the first eight...
In English I, students finished up act three, looking at subtext in scenes two, three, four, and five. We also finished up the study guide in anticipation of tomorrow’s test on act three. In English 8, students had a final day of preparation for their effective...
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