Students who were not taking the PSAT today continued working on the same work from yesterday in which we examine various passages in the play to see how Shakespeare is having his characters echo each other. Students received materials with four of the excepts that we...
Today, we looked at several passages in 3.2 and 3.3 in a super-spaced, socially-distanced gallery walk, which we held in the library: Students examined various passages, and after working their way through any comprehension problems, they looked for echoes of other...
We’ve spent the last couple of days going over Friar Lawrence’s soliloquy that opens 2.3: The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of light, And flecked darkness like a drunkard reels From forth...
We finished going over the balcony scene today, one of the most famous scenes in theater history. We reviewed our earlier work and shared with the class our findings as we explored: elliptical constructions inversions allusions metaphors similes personification...
Students started the final series of poems in our poetry unit, turning to the poems of William Shakespeare in preparation for the next unit, which is on Romeo and Juliet. We began parsing Shakespeare’s twenty-ninth sonnet: When, in disgrace with fortune and...
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