First and sixth periods returned to the Schaffer model and the ballad. We added second chunks to two of our existing paragraphs. Second and sixth periods examined 1.2 for various characters’ views of love. Students worked in groups to generalize...
First and sixth periods worked on ballads some more, looking at Dudley Randall’s “The Ballad of Birmingham” to see another example of the primary characteristics of a ballad. Second and fourth periods worked on Romeo and Juliet 1.1. I also shared...
First and sixth periods returned to using the Schaffer model to organize writing about literature, specifically ballads. We’re going to be writing a fairly impressive essay about ballads, and we began planning and writing that today. First period’s notes...
First and sixth periods continued working on the poetry unit. We looked at ballads, specifically “Boots of Spanish Leather.” We’ll be finishing it up in the next couple of weeks. Second and fourth periods began Romeo and Juliet by watching a brief...
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