Love and Researching Heroes

Love and Researching Heroes

First and fifth periods began the final research and writing project for Diary of Anne Frank. They are researching one of the following individuals who played a role in the Holocaust during World War Two. Frieda Adam Varian Fry Guido de Gorgey Wilm Hosenfeld Oskar...
Scene One Down with Courage

Scene One Down with Courage

First and fifth periods began making generalizations from earlier work. We’re working to create a general definition of “courageousness” to see if we can apply it to some historical figures. From the specific scenarios we worked on Friday, we began...
Courage, and Act I, Scene 1

Courage, and Act I, Scene 1

First and fifth periods began the final project of the second quarter. We looked at a common thread in our discussions of heroes from the beginning of the quarter: most students had identified “courage” as one of the attributes of a hero, so we began the...
Prologue and a Test

Prologue and a Test

First and fifth periods had a test on The Diary of Anne Frank and associated material. Students had a chance to take an immediate Mulligan (re-do). Second and fourth periods began Romeo and Juliet, examining the prologue. We’ll continue with the prologue...