Soundtrack and Conclusions

Soundtrack and Conclusions

English I students went over the project that we’ll be completing with Romeo and Juliet. I provided students with a sample that we then analyzed in terms of Schaffer completeness and accuracy: The class recording for E1 is available here. English 8 students...
Watching and Inferring

Watching and Inferring

English 8 worked on inferring about a text: Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic...
Soliloquy and Inference

Soliloquy and Inference

English I students looked at our first true soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet, which appears in 2.3 and introduces a new character, Friar Laurence. We first covered the elements of a soliloquy: a monologue with no one else on the stage that either shows a...
Balcony and Ladder

Balcony and Ladder

English 8 students went over the ladder of inferences — the steps we make when creating inferences. Observational data Filtering Adding meaning Creating assumptions Drawing conclusions Adjusting thinking Taking action We watched a Ted-Ed video covering this and...
Essays and Echoes

Essays and Echoes

English 8 began the second phase of the research project: using the research we worked on last week to create an informational essay. We’re working with the following framework: Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 2: Background Paragraph 3: Heroic Acts Paragraph...