Friar Laurence and Selling Ourselves

Friar Laurence and Selling Ourselves

First, fourth, and sixth periods presented their persuasive argument about who should win the prize — a bit of free time at the end of class tomorrow. The groups presented in random order, and an outside teacher evaluated the arguments in two of the three...
Balcony Scene

Balcony Scene

First period had an extended review/starter. It didn’t work out quite as well as the student-leaders planned as their prepared Power Point materials decided not to cooperate. Second period completed act 2 scene 2 — the most famous scene in theater: the...
Queen Mab and Other Adventures

Queen Mab and Other Adventures

First period finished up “Runagate Runagate”, looking at one passage in particular. Moon so bright and no place to hide, the cry up and the patterollers riding, hound dogs belling in bladed air. And fear starts a-murbling, Never make it, we’ll never...
Introducing the Ladies and Narrative Poetry

Introducing the Ladies and Narrative Poetry

I copied the file onto my server only to prevent the hot-linking that would occur otherwise, given the media plug-in I use on this site. The song is from here. First period finished up “Ballad of Birmingham” by paraphrasing each stanza and then listening...
Ballads and Brawls

Ballads and Brawls

Second period began Romeo and Juliet. We made it through the brawl scene that introduces the first conflict in the play. It’s already clear that this will take a bit longer than I thought, due to the challenging language of the play. First, fourth, and sixth...