Discussion and Editing

Discussion and Editing

First period did some small group work to complete the mini-unit of sentence revision that we’ve been working on this week. We’ll be applying all we’ve learned to our essays on capital punishment tomorrow. Second period had a guest teacher, and we...

Fragments and the Dramatic End

Second period finished watching Romeo + Juliet. We watched an abreviated version today, skipping several scenes in order to finish the film today. Everyone groaned at the Hollywood-ization of the ending. Second period will be finishing up the discussion of R&J...

More Research

First, fourth, and sixth periods did more research today. Second period had a day of catch-up.

The Axe Falls on Indirect Objects, Juliet, and Persuasion

First period reviewed direct objects from yesterday and went over indirect objects today. Second period completed act 3 scene 5, with Capulet’s famous tirade (lines 145-173): Soft! take me with you, take me with you, wife. How! will she none? doth she not give...

The News, Persuasion, and Direct Objects

First period worked on a review of direct objects. Afterwards, we began organizing our persuasive writing pieces. During exploratory, students completed a first draft. Second period completed R&J act three scene two. We noted several parallels between how Juliet...