Participation Evaluations

Today’s main focus for first, sixth, and seventh periods was a participation self-evaluation. Second and fourth periods looked at the meeting of Romeo and Juliet and discovered what a show-off Shakespeare can be. Homework First and sixth periods: none (unless...
Debriefing and Picturing

Debriefing and Picturing

First, second, fourth, and sixth periods went over the midterms we took yesterday. Afterward, first and sixth periods looked at the use of transition words in the Schaffer model. Second and fourth periods went over the semester participation evaluation that will be...

Birmingham, 1.1, and Descriptive Language

First and sixth periods worked on ballads some more, looking at Dudley Randall’s “The Ballad of Birmingham” to see another example of the primary characteristics of a ballad. Second and fourth periods worked on Romeo and Juliet 1.1. I also shared...