5.1 and Main Idea

5.1 and Main Idea

English I students worked on 5.1, which is the famous party scene in which Romeo finally meets Juliet. Our focus for the day was on the hidden stage instructions that guide actors and directors in their creative decisions regarding the play’s staging. We looked...
1.2 and Questions

1.2 and Questions

English 8 students went through some of the questions for “Tears of Autumn” before we begin using it as a model for redesigning/reconceptualizing our plan of attack for the TDA portion of the end-of-year state text. English I students continued with Romeo...
1.1 and Final Reading

1.1 and Final Reading

English 8 students finished up (in theory) their reading of “Tears of Autumn,” annotating for three things: The main character’s expectations for the arranged marriage (echoing our activating strategy yesterday); Other characters’ expectations for the...