Anne Frank and Romeo and Juliet

Anne Frank and Romeo and Juliet

English I Honors began Romeo and Juliet in earnest today. We looked at the first thirty lines of the poem to see the effect on the play of the simple fact that Shakespeare was writing to two distinct audiences: highly educated upper-class and illiterate lower-class...

Two Plays

English I Honors students began the beast today, Romeo and Juliet. Thousands upon thousands of lines of Shakespeare: after struggling with sonnets, everyone’s so excited! English 8 students, both Studies and Strategies, continued working on Diary of Anne Frank....

Writing and Consulting

It’s Friday — let’s take a break. Sort of. Everyone was productive today. Everyone had a good day. And everyone is now ready for the weekend. Some of us will be busier than others, though. HomeworkEnglish I Honors:  all students: continue...

Rubric and Quiz

English I Honors students had a quiz on Romeo and Juliet — the final quiz. We’re done with R&J! English 8 Strategies students began looking at the rubric the state will use to evaluate their standardized test that they will be taking in late April....