Twitter, Planning, and Love

English I Honors students began working on scenes two, three, and four of the first act of Romeo and Juliet. We’re looking at how various characters in the play view love. We’ll finish up tomorrow. English Strategies students began using Twitter...

Summaries and Tweets in Class

English Strategies (fourth period) finished up their 1.2 summaries for Anne Frank and went to the library. We’ll be moving on the scene three Monday. English Studies and English I Honors classes began implementing our latest STEAM unit, which involves using...

Romeo and Juliet and Anne Frank

English I Honors continued with the first scene of Romeo and Juliet. English Strategies began working on the summary for act 1 scene 2 of Anne Frank. English Studies finished the summaries. HomeworkEnglish 8: finish the summary and turn it in at the Moodle site....