Exam Prep and the New Signpost

English I students today had a chance to prepare for tomorrow’s midterm. (If you do not have the poems any more, you can get them here. Bear in mind, though, that this document includes some poems we did not go over in class.) Other classes worked on the second...

Test and Signposts

English 8 students began the second sign post, “Contrasts and Contradictions.” English I Honors students had their act three tests. It was somewhat of an experiment, and it didn’t seem to go as well as I was hoping. However, as an imminently fair...

Cutting and 2.2

English Studies and English Strategies students went through 2.2 from Diary of Anne Frank in literature circles. Tomorrow we’ll be applying yesterday’s work with the “Again and Again” sign post to today’s reading. English I Honors...

Cutting Again and Again

English Studies and Strategies students began learning strategies from Kylene Beers’s and Robert Probst’s Notice and Note. We started with one that’s fairly simple, “Again and Again.” We applied it to a passage from Hatchet. English I...